Top 5 foods and beverages that are bad for the teeth
A person’s teeth and smile play a huge role in creating a good first impression. Moreover, the teeth are critical for good digestion and overall hygiene. This is why eating the right foods is imperative to keep one’s teeth strong. The teeth are incredibly sensitive to certain foods. Some foods and beverages can cause significant damage to one’s teeth over a period of time. Here are some foods that can damage teeth: Oranges Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which is great for reducing inflammation in the body. However, citrus-rich foods like lemons and oranges contain a lot of acid, which can cause erosion of the outer layer of a person’s teeth. When the enamel erodes from the teeth, they are exposed to infections, bacterial presence, and decay. Therefore, while it is okay to eat citrus-heavy fruits occasionally, one must eat them in moderation to keep their teeth’s enamel intact. Soft drinks Soft drinks increase blood sugar and tend to make the bones weaker if they are consumed frequently over a while. Among all these, it is unsurprising that soft drinks are just as bad for one’s teeth as they are for all the other organs and bodily systems.